Kaaba: The Forgotten SHIVA Temple

Muslims are Idol Worshipers in Mecca ? Muslims are idol worshiper too, on their visit to mecca, they follow Vedic rituals prescribed in Koran. In Koran it is clearly ordered by so called god, allah, that killing idol worshipers pleases allah, so would Muslims kill themselves to please allah in adherence to this demand of allah – after all they are also idol worshipers. Isn’t this a blasphemy, where they do not kill themselves for being idol worshipers – are they not kafirs themselves – which they call Hindus, Christians and Buddhists because they are idol worshipers too. Everything is same, the only difference is, they respectfully kiss the idol but do not fold hands towards it. And why they will do so, to differentiate themselves from others, they use open hands. Otherwise, each and everything they practice in Mecca is nothing but ignorantly following Vedic principles. Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Shiva Temple? P.N. Oak, a great historian awarded by US o...